As Christmas approaches, and the silly season begins, this is when I usually start to rush around buying, making, creating for the people in my life....this year will be somewhat different I think.
I've busy with my store, ordering like crazy, learning about the retail world, about data entry, about the computer programme the store operates on....and this, no doubt will be a constant learning curve for me!! I'm busy liasing with the beautiful Melissa, who is my pillar of strength on the stores forum, and the DT, about ways to get the place rocking again....especially with Christmas coming. Busy thinking about what to get, who need/wants know how Christmas planning goes.....
Then, amongst all this madness going on, Melissa announced that she is participating in the Queensland Cancer Council's Relay For Life, and Leonie announced she was having a 'Girls Night In' raising money for Womens Cancer Research....This led me to realise that there are so many people suffering this dreadful disease out there, my friend being one of them and my husband having an asbestos related lung disease which will, in all probability, turn into cancer. So many peoples lives are affected by this, not just the sufferer, but all the people close to them too.
WOW...has this made me re-evalutate my usual Christmas 'To Do' list - and really, let's be honest, just how much 'to doing' do I need to make it a good Christmas for my family? Instead I've decided to make a different 'To Do' list...
I will sponsor Melissa in her Relay for Life
I will donate a box of goodies on behalf of Scrap Pile to help Leonie raise much needed funds for Womens Cancer Reseach.
I will send a special gift to the little African boy I sponsor's village, via World Vision, to help them have a special Christmas, remembering that while we have all the Christmas trimmings - they have nothing.
I will (and the girls on Scrap Pil's forum will appreciate this) get all the information to start sending home made cards to our troops on active duty throught the world.
I will do whatever I can to make the lives of the people I love and care about the best it can be.
Small things, big things, whatever it takes to make this a better world - we can all make a difference.
So yes.....this year I have a different To Do list!
Please help by sponsoring both Melissa and Leonie....Just click on their names & it will take you to their sponsor page!
Until next time
4 days ago